I am the storm

Ancient Greeks used to build their temples at exceptional energy locations. Following this wisdom of their ancestors, members of a super powerful secret society have hidden their kingdom on a Greek island located at one of the most intense points of the earth’s energy grid. Its hyper intelligent inhabitants draw upon the potent energy source, enabling them to enter the realms of their subconscious to activate an -specific to each being- inner power – developing it to extraordinary levels. In a world which operates on mind power, however, the equilibrium can be shattered in the blink of an eye. So the laws of this land dictate the romantic fate of every young person, imposing compatible unions via a psychic ritual. Dorothy appears far from gifted. Yet she receives an invitation to the island, as the potential of her inner power is believed to be vital to the young heir to the throne, Orestis, Her power will enable him to fulfill the prerequisits to become king. She knows nothing of Chrysiida’s customs nor that she is destined to be Orestis’ bride. The rivals of the kingdom discover this plan and prey upon Dorothy’s insecurities, maneuvering her to fall for their leader, Aris, so that she will agree to run away with him allowing them to easily eliminate her.

Amanda Hazapis

Author of the novel “I AM THE STORM”

I was born in Greece in 1987 and live in Athens with my husband, my two sons and my dog. I have studied Statistics and Economics at the Athens University of Economics and have participated in many writing courses, trying to find my way into a field that I actually love as I have been working since I was 20 in my family’s business. Having spent my summer holidays in Mykonos, I was bewitched by watching the sun go down each evening, to hide behind the sacred island of the ancient Greeks, “ Delos”. There was magic at that moment and a prevailing energy dancing in the atmosphere. Through that experience, I became sure that all of the myths surrounding the special energy at the sites where the ancient Greeks chose to build their temples, must be true. And so, I wrote a book about it.

A Greek mythology-inspired romantic suspense mystery,that explores love and deceit, duty and will, vice and virtue, sense and sensibility. 
  • NA
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Women’s Fiction
  • Romantic Suspense
  • Literary Mystery
  • Paranormal Romance